Wednesday, October 12, 2005 11:55 PM/et
Affiliates added. Should have done this a long
time ago o.o. I'll have more stuff up soon.
Sunday, February 13, 2005 05:07
I've finally done it. Selectable Stylesheets now
enabled! :D
Saturday, February 12, 2005 04:22
Welcome to's 5th anniversary
update! I've decided to go with something a little different
here, because I want change. I've redesigned the site's
mainlogo up above a little bit, nothing too drastic but still
an improvement. The last one was up for over a year. If for
any reason you don't like this new color scheme, please let me
know. I plan to make it an option of whether you like it like
this or the blue scheme soon. Anyway, It's been a great five
years so far. When first threw this site together on the night
of the 12th of February in 2000, I have no idea it'd get me
this far. Some things have NEVER changed since that time. One
of them being the little intro thing right above these
Over the years I've contemplated on changing the
name of the site, Dr Lighthead's Domain. It's really not that
original but I've decided against it each time because that
would mean changing history. It is also in a sense my domain
since I own the domain name :P But anyway, here's hoping to
another great five years!
Ok, in the midst of all that you're probably
wondering what else is new here. Well, for one there's a new
and better forum. I've noticed this site has been growing in
popularity ever since I installed that gallery and so I'm
hoping the new
forum gets notice as well. Also, I have put up an intro to
what I am writing for Pre HEBM with its tentative title being
of the Lighgretronians. I wanted to have a lot more of it
done but RL problems surfaced combining with some depression
prevented so.
Friday, January 28, 2005 05:56
This is the last update until the 5th
anniversary update. In case you haven't noticed, The 3D
Database and Multimedia sections are no longer up... this is
obviously because they are now part of the gallery. I am also
pleased to announce the the gallery is now finally finished in
terms of aesthetics.
Thursday, January 13, 2005 05:24
It will be awhile before I update again because
school will kick back in again. Here I have added a gallery
that will harness all of the 3D Art and stuff that was
drawn for HEBM, FexusFan... ect. It'll be updated whenever I
feel and possibly without mention here unless its something
big which it usually is, so check back frequently. Also feel
free to leave comments or whatever.
Friday, January 07, 2005 10:18
I'm currently experimenting around the site in
various areas design tweaks. Updates this time around
include FexusFan
History and HEBM Origins.
I have summaries of a comic I made before doing HEBM. There's
a couple missing but I'll get them up soon. Lots planned for
the site's big 5th...
Saturday, January 01, 2005 07:17
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas to you all!
Sorry for the lack of updates lately. I'm working on some
plans to change and revamp the site because change is good.
Thats my New Year's resolution. The new look should
be done in time for the site's 5th anniversary. Can you
believe that? Five years of being on the web and still
kicking? Well sorta. I know its still over a month away so I
won't talk about that much now. Anyhow, for the new year I
have drawn and colored a pic of FexusFan
(fotw) and received artwork from an online friend of mine (Cj)
of Lighthead's
fat fox form. It may not have anything to do with the
continuity but it's still interesting nonetheless. I colored
it :P |